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Religious Education

Lessons in our schools involve pupils gaining a clear understanding of the main principals of Christianity and a variety of other world religions, namely Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism.

Pupils will acquire this understanding both through classroom learning and first hand experiences.

They will have the opportunity to observe and handle key religious artefacts and visit religious buildings in order to enhance their learning. Teaching should equip pupils with the confidence to express their religious views freely as part of classroom discussions and to generate further, deeper questions linked to faith and philosophical enquiry.

A curiosity within pupils and an acceptance of differing beliefs should be fostered at all times. As children progress in their understanding, they will compare and contrast different religions and some of their central belief systems. Close links to English skills including reading, writing and speaking and listening will be cultivated throughout.

Teaching will be completed sensitively at all times, with an awareness of the different beliefs and attitudes that may be in operation within the classroom.

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